Meniere's disease is a disorder that affects the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for hearing and balance. The condition causes vertigo (loss of balance), the sensation of spinning. It also leads to hearing problems and a ringing sound in the ear. Meniere's disease usually affects only one ear, but later may involve both. Smoking, infections or a high-salt diet may worsen the disease. The cause of Meniere's disease is unknown. Symptoms of Meniere's disease appear to be the result of an abnormal amount of fluid (endolymph) in the inner ear, but it isn't clear what causes that to happen. Factors that affect the fluid, which might contribute to Meniere's disease, include:
Although there’s currently no cure for Meniere’s disease, several treatments may help patients ease the symptoms. Sea-sickness and anti-nausea medications help with vertigo. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy offers Meniere’s disease patients a non-invasive, safe alternative to medications and surgery. Patients who have undergone HBOT experience a decreased number and severity of vertigo episodes, as well as improved hearing. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy offers Meniere's disease patients a non-invasive, safe alternative to medications and surgery. Patients who have undergone HBOT experience a decreased number and severity of vertigo episodes, as well as improved hearing. But in an experiment where 45 patients, 20 with constant pressure (2.2 ATA, hyperbaric treatment) and 25 with continuous variations in pressure levels (from 1.7 to 2.2 ATA, alternobaric treatment) were experimented, alternobaric oxygen therapy had much better results.