
HBOT For Paralysis

When something disrupts nerve signals to muscles, you may experience paralysis — being unable to make voluntary movements. Common causes of paralysis include strokes, spinal cord injuries and nerve disorders like multiple sclerosis. Bell’s palsy causes temporary facial paralysis. Paraplegia involves both legs, while quadriplegia affects all limbs.

Benefits of HBOT :

The Secret to Growing New Brain Cells: Sleep,Exercise & Hyperbaric Oxygen? Veronica Fern-McElarney A 33-year-old drunk driver wraps his pick-up truck around a tree and is brought to the emergency room at a small, community hospital in Slidell, Louisiana. His emergency room doctor, Dr. Paul Harch, recalled the scene. “You know, high-speed, straight into a pick-up, no seatbelt, and the flexion injury rendered him paralyzed immediately. By the time they got him off the floorboard of the truck…he had a flicker of movement in his one big toe; within forty minutes he was densely paraplegic. At three in the morning the neurosurgeon, radiologist and myself looked at each other and the only explanation was that he had a vascular injury to his spinal cord. And almost in unison we said, “Gosh, I wonder what he could do with a little oxygen?” I put him in the hyperbaric chamber and he moved his toe. When we took him out, he had sensation down in the foot. Incrementally, every time I put him in, he got more and more sensation. In seventeen days, he walked out of the hospital. That just blew everybody away.”
